Monday, June 30, 2008

New Friends

Last night Mike and I started to prepare Brody for his first day at St. Luke's. From Sarah's advice after telling her how he screech last week when the word "school" was mentioned, she suggested I say he was going to meet some new friends. So that we did! Throughout the day yesterday Mike and I mentioned to Brody that he was going to meet lots of new friends, color, paint, ride bikes, play outside, sing songs and have tons of fun. Sounds nothing like school right? This was a great technique, thanks Sarah. It worked like a charm!

This morning I woke Brody up at 7:50 and immediately got him dressed. He even sat down on the potty chair. Following we brushed his hair and teeth. He sat next to me at the table eating his oatmeal while I filled out the last of the school papers. Afterwards we cleaned up the table and got his backpack and lunch together. Since, the school is only 0.4 of a mile from the house we opted for some exercise.

It started off that Brody was holding his lunch and I held his backpack. Not even a block later he said it was too heavy so I carried it the rest of the way. Brody enjoyed the walk and all there was to see in the neighborhood. He pointed out and barked back at the dogs. He saw a big trailer that he was over estatic about. He also commented on the beautiful garden which was way too much for my taste.

We arrived at the school just about 8 minutes later. Not bad for a three year old. I think it got just enough energy out. He saw the preschool as we were turning the corner, but I had my thinking cap on this morning and made sure to bring him on the side that faces the playground. He was so excited. I told him that this is where his new friends were. He jumped and smiled and asked if he could go inside. We found our way through the maze of the school and crept through the hallways. He stood back a bit while I spoke with some of the teachers. Before I knew it, he was driving one of the cars and helping a kid who had falled off of their bike.

I had to make the decision on whether to say goodbye or not. I decided it was the right thing to do. He had already thought that I had left and was adjusting beautifully. I went outside and gave him a kiss and told him I was going to go home and study. I also stated then when he was done eating lunch I would pick him up from school. Basically I need to high tail it back there by 12:15.

The good news is that after speaking to two of his possible teachers. They are both on board to help fully potty train. They asked if we could start bringing him to school in underwear. That they were aware it is a messy process. But undies coupled with elastic waisted pants was going to be our solution. So now I am off in my few hours of free time in which I should be studying to get some new shorts and prizes for his success.

I am so excited!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Potty Training

On Monday I made the fatefully decision that it would be the day that Brody no longer relied on diapers or Pull Ups. Every 30 mintues I have been giving him a class of water, juice, or sometimes even soda to motivate him. 30 mintues after that he is asked to sit on his potty chair. At times he is more willing then others. He is motivated by either turning the tv on or off, dependinding what show is on. The promise of a snack or treat is often given as a reward. Even cohersion by offerings of outtings at Chuck E. Cheese. Brody has even asked for a truck with a trailer like Ampa Jim. Over the last week we have tried and succeeded at staying home daily all in attempt to master using the toilet. We have a very long way to go since Brody absolutely refuses to actually go potty in the toilet. However, each day is one day closer to our goal. Next week I am planning on going without pull ups all together and trying out the underwear. Wish him luck!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

St. Luke's Christian Preschool

That is correct! Your eyes saw right! St. Luke's Christian Preschool. As of June Brody is no longer attending Long Beach Montessori Academy. The decision was contemplated for many of months now. Both Mike and I decided that it was time Brody start a new adventure with more regimented schedule and loving teachers. We believe we found everything that we were looking for at St. Luke's. Best of all it is at the end of the block! That does not mean that we didn't check out other places.,+Long+Beach,+CA+90808&daddr=5633+E.+Wardlow+Road,+long+beach+ca+90808&sll=33.81767,-118.12204&sspn=0.002478,0.006255&ie=UTF8&ll=33.816879,-118.120494&spn=0.008129,0.018711&z=16&layer=c&cbll=33.816879,-118.120494

I researched preschools in Long Beach and the surrounding areas for three months now. I had a list of questions prepared and a note pad in hand. I looked for saftey issues as well as noting down how teacher's interacted with the children. Alough St. Luke's facility wasn't the best amongst the group it was very sufice. More importantly St. Luke's fosters parent participation and involves gaurdians as much as possible.

I will be volunteering in the class one day a week where I will be setting up children's lunches, wiping snoty noses, and laying out cots for naptime. I hope to get more involved with teaching special topics and putting those early childhood development credits to good use. Mike will be helping out on a need basis when it comes to handy man work. Best of all it all contributes towards our tuition payment.
My favorite part is the drastic reduction in tuition. We will be able to utilize that money to continuing saving for our house. You can check out St. Luke's at

Happy Birthday Bubbies!

Happy Birthday to my Biggest Boy! I love you very much. I hope you enjoy your birthday, presents and adventures. Three is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see all you learn and experience throughout this blissful new year. May God bless you and keep you in his loving arms, this year and in all the years to come. Mommy loves you my sweet baby boy.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pool Boogie Boarding

Brody's Happy "Birthdays" Party

Opening presents is quite distracting
Uncle Chris bought the complete matching hat, shoes, and shorts...matching just like him
Loved it! Thanks Marlena, Alex, Michael, Cristy and Charlie
Just call me Jack Sparrow
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy with a Kickety-kick ball and four presents. Many many thanks to Gmama!
Allison and LaLa...together these two have more personality and attitude then anybody I know
LaLa and Brody waiting for the pinata to break..They are so sweet together
What's going to work? TEAM WORK...thanks Andrew!
He freaked when he saw this...Thanks Fairy Odd Parents

Thank you so very much to all our family and friends that gathered to join in celebrating Brody's 3rd birthday. We love each and every single one of you. Those that were unable to make it we very much so missed and in our thoughts. Brody had a delightful time. We were able to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones like Stacy and Silas. We splashed and played in the water with Sophie and Ruthie. Slipped down the water slide with Marlena and Allison. Recieved kissies from Sydney. Learned a thing or two from Julez. Had a water balloon fight with Fred and LaLa. We had such a great time with you all. Sorry we didn't have more water, bottled, for you guys. We didn't realize two cases wasn't enough. It was a scorcher and you all hung in like troopers out there in the misted patio. Many were holding on to get a savory bite of that delicious Wubbzy and he was oh so tasty. He was made of yellow cake with lemon filling, marshmellows, cookies and sponge hands. He was the hit amongst the kids. The pinata was undestructable. I think I am going to build a bomb shelter out of one of those. It was even a chore to get the candy inside. Once again thanks for coming out to celebrate Brody's 3rd birthday. We hope you enjoyed it. At the end of the day Mike sighed and said....never again very softly. We are looking forward to ringing in his 4th birthday at Disney World.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Miss Mash of Random Randomness

father's day lunch at the 50s diner that doesn't accept atm cards
mike trying ti figure out his father's day presnt, brody proud of what he made
ampa jim
drawing circles
this is how he rolls
sarah teaching brody to swim
digging his hole to china
passed out cold after a great day at the water park, thanks stacy!

welding and driving

Thursday, June 12, 2008

If you believe then anything can happen

This morning we were all awakened by the sirens of a fire truck. Brody excitedly came into our room and asked me if I could please, please buy him a fire truck. I told Brody that it cost a lot of money but that didn't phase him. After another series of please please I told him that even cities have to finance the purchase of a new fire engine. Well of course that wasn't in two year old so he didn't understand a single word I said. I then told him we could try to find a little one and the begging immediately stopped and the hugest smile crept across his face.

Later on in the afternoon Brody and I had a picnic outside. We took out the sidewalk chalk and created some masterpieces in the front yard. Lots of giggles and chalk all over our clothes we spotted a fire truck down the street. Brody's eyes grew wide and we waved down the big red truck. The Long Beach Fire Department was kind enough to come down and maneuver right in front of our house. Brody was able to talk to a fireman and shake his hand. He told each one of them "wow, thank you". One fireman even gave Brody a sticker. Brody realized that dreams really do come true. Now I need to break the news that not all dreams come true just the ones God feels we are worthy of.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Brody in rare form

Yesterday Brody was in ultra rare form or perhaps it is just a little of what I can look forward to when he turns three. Brody was an excellent listner, especially last night. After getting Brody ready for bed he asked if he could watch Wow Wow Wubbzy. First he asked daddy and daddy replied with I rather you go to bed but you should ask your mama first. He came over to me with his big brown eyes all lit up and said, mama can I watch Wow Wow Wubbzy. I explained to him that he could watch ONE Wubbzy and when it was over it was time for him to go night night. He agreed and proceeded to the television. Mike and I headed in seprate directions cleaning spring cleaning through in different areas. I took the path less taken and cleaned out everything we haven't touched in the bathroom in the last 2 months. Two groocery bags later I realized that maybe an industrial trash bag would have been a smart option when spring cleaning. Sooner then later Brody walks into the dining room just as Mike and I both were crossing paths. He said Wubbzys over night night. I was shocked, I turned, I was suprised when the tv was off. He listened! Mike and I both praised him generously and swoooped him off to bed. A few minutes later I went in to check on him and I found him again in rare form, camping out on his bedroom floor.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday Myja!

Myja your cupcakes were delicioso, the jumper was terrifico, but Brody thought the agua as numbero uno. Mi gusta it when your padre rushed off the phone "to save a life". Good oso Mike, good oso! I am convinced if the kid just stood up he could have saved himself from drowning. And I just proved that I too can have my own cartoon speaking broken spanish and calling it educational.