Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...Oh my!

Suprisingly engough, Brody didn't quite like the zoo. Although we talked it up the night before and made all kinds of animals noises the second we got there he was already done with it. We took him to go see the alligators, which is a personal favorite of mine, since I grew up having one in my great-aunt's backyard. Brody told us it was a shark, not an alligator. Shortly after that we hiked our way over to the mist pit aka the Gorilla House. Then we headed off to see the lazy lions. We soon approached the Giraffe's. Brody didn't even see the correlation between them and his blakine. I told Brody they wanted their blankie back. That just set him off in a 2 year old melt down. At that point we decided to high tail it out of there since most of the displays were closed. However, we were able to sneak in a few pictures when Brody wasn't looking. He pretty much so refused to let us take pictures of him instead he took several of Mike and I.

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