Friday, May 30, 2008

you're looking at miss 2.82

Yippie! I finally finished the 2008 Spring semester at California State Univeristy Dominguez Hills. I attempted five classes this semester which is one more then I am comfortable. Yes, for all you people quick at math that does mean that I got a C. For those more curious of my grades below is a breakdown.

  • Operations Management B-
  • Humanities 200 B-
  • Organizational Behavior A-
  • International Business C
  • Humanities 310 Success and Values B

Starting Monday June 2nd I am attending Summer school from 6 to 10 p.m. I will be taking Employment Law and Administrative Financial Resources. Next semester I am really stepping out of my comfortability zone and attempting six classes. Why? Well if I take so many classes that I no longer recgonize my soon to be three year old son and never see my lovely fiance. By December of this year I will be a GRADUATE! I hope to apply for the Master's program in early 2009 and hopefully can start classes over the next summer. The Master's program is ten classes and takes about 18 months. I figured I have been in school so long that a real scholar would have been working on their second Ph.D. so I might as well have a Master's.

Thanks Dad and Nana, whom I am sure will never see this. But thank you for all your prayers and having more faith in me then that I had in myself. I am doing it for you. I hate to hear you guys nag.

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